Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Musician in our midst?

Campbell had a big ole time at the Children's Museum with Daddy. Here is a video of her playing the piano and getting down. She really loves music and is starting to get really excited about making her own noises with "instruments". Instruments is the term we use for anything that makes noise....blocks banging together, spoons, bells, whatever. We also started listening to music during dinner and she loves to bang out a tune while we digest...usually consisting of running in a circle and banging two blocks together but whatevs.

Campbell in the City

Campbell does eat! It's a miracle! Here is a picture of her eating a cookie while I am at work during her time with Grandma.

3 weeks after starting my new job at UPMC (and Kyle starting his too!) and 1 week after starting daycare in our new city, I left for 5 days to go to a conference in Washington DC. It was a crazy trip, I learned A TON of genetics and I was really glad I had the opportunity to see friends in DC while I was there. I even crashed at The Esperon's house and got a good girls' night of movies and delicious wine/food. It was all in all a great time. Kyle and Campbell went to the Children's Museum (thanks Grammy! for the annual passes) and Camysue had a great time. Here are some pictures of her at the museum.

Arrived at our new place.....but our stuff didn't

When we got to Pittsburgh we had to fight with PODS to get our stuff. It was sucky....we made it through. Beware of Moving Companies, in general....we have found them to be difficult.

Moving Cross-Country

Campbell and I went on a whirlwind trip to GA and FL to visit some grandparents and hang out while Kyle drove our stuff across country. I think I won out on that deal. On this trip, Campbell went to Jesup for the first time, ate at mommy's favorite place, rode a horse, swam almost every single day, petted cows and horses, and went to the beach for the first time. She was a trooper and really impressed me with her flexibility. I wish she had slept better, but she was a charmer to everyone she met so I can't complain.

I have a few more pictures, but they are on my phone and I will have to upload them is a photo from our last night of the trip. Campbell is drinking a virgin strawberry daiquiri (mine was not...but I had been with a baby for 9 straight days, so who can blame me, right?) and having Grandma paint her toes. She was soooooo patient and careful not to mess up those toes.

Campbell's Birthday Cake

Kyle and I went nuts and decided that we would take responsibility for making the birthday cake for the group birthday party for Campbell and her two buds who were born in the same month. Here is our creation. It is an entirely edible barn cake with 3 dozen cow and pig cupcakes. We worked on this for about 2 hours on a Friday night and were so FREAKING proud of ourselves and we couldn't wait to get it to the party the next day. We had a low-key party at the playground with all the kids from the respective preschool classes for the birthday was managed mayhem and the kids all had a blast. The best part? It was a morning party so we were home by 12:30 and Campbell fell asleep on the way home. The kids all LOVED the cake and we were so glad we put in that little extra effort to make it special. Next year, we are thinking of doing an aquarium-themed cake with fishy cookies.

What's that you say?

What's that you say? I haven't updated the blog since April? Well, I am about to binge and fill in the gaps between April and August over the next few posts. Here is a little pic to wet your whistle.

Campbell LOVES to wear our glasses...especially Kyle's glasses.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Until 2 months ago, Campbell would not under any circumstances wear something on her head. We started working on barettes (BOWS, as she calls them) and she will let me put "tails" in her hair for school. This is Campbell wearing her new headband with sparkly crowns on it. She loves this thing. She has now worn it to school, to Walmart, and around the house....I think she even wore it to the park. This is her modeling her new headgear in just her diaper.