Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hey! No extra cooks in the kitchen.

Loved this picture from Thanksgiving. John (my brother-in-law) is getting the stink-eye for trying to get in on the preparations for Turkey Day. Guests are required to drink too much, eat too much, and are encouraged to take naps. No assistance required. Next year, when I can have a beverage or two....we will talk. :-)

Christmas with family, New years with Javi

My mom and brother came out for Christmas. It was awesome. We ate WAY too much (see the New Year's picture of Javi, our dog and a white whale...that's me), we shopped WAY too much, and we had a wonderful time. My mom took some pictures of all us kids and I will post those when I get copies....of course our camera was dead. :-)

Here is a picture of Javi and me with Kale. Kale is my guardian at the moment. During my entire pregnancy, he has been "on patrol" and watching out for me. He even gets nervous when Kyle hugs me for too long. Sweet dog.

Belated Thanksgiving pictures....

Kyle's sister Jan and her husband John joined us for Thanksgiving....along with Mary-Charlotte and Jay and 15 of our closest friends. We thought it might be an intimate group of 10 this year...HA! Here are the pictures of us enjoying the last "grownup only holiday". We are looking forward to next year. Do 7 month olds eat fried turkey?....hmmmmm, I wonder. Kyle managed to take ZERO pictures of himself this year. I may have to take over some of the picture-taking responsibilities once the baby comes. She needs to know what her father looked like when she was born! Here are the celebratory pics. I hope you all had as happy a thanksgiving as we did. The baby-bump is in hiding in these pictures but there was MUCH belly-rubbing and everyone talked to the baby at least once during their visit.