Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lounging by the pool

Last Friday, I took Campbell to a friend's house and she has a little dipping pool. Campbell not only loved swimming she got totally exhausted and slept most of that night and most of the next day too. Kyle and I finally got a chance to take her to the pool down the street this Wednesday. It was great. She looked unsure at first, but then she started kicking and giggling and having a big ole time. Here are some of the pictures we got. Notice how nice the pictures look. The new camera is AMAZING!Here's a shot of her patented mermaid kick. Up in the air for a loop-de-loop.Splashing Mommy in the eye...and getting herself wet in the process.Backstroking.I twirled us around in a circle....I got dizzy and she made this hilarious face (part bird, part thoughtful professor).This is right before she plopped her face in the water. No tears, but a very confused look followed that.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lab rat

Campbell is currently participating in a study at the Infant Cognition Lab in our department at A&M. She had her first task on Tuesday. They took a saliva sample, took a picture of her hand, and tried to get her to watch a cartoon on a screen so they could track her eye movements (this last part didn't go over well....we had a MELTDOWN). Now she has a baby low-jack is a monitor that looks like a house arrest bracelet. Hopefully, this is not a sign of things to come.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Voted cutest....

We have been getting together with two other mom's from the department and their babies....the babies don't play much, but we get to chat and vent and eat delicious snacks.

The last time we got together, one of the mom's said that her husband asked her which of the babies was the cutest. Apparently, even though her son is in the group, she said that "hands-down, Campbell is the cutest.". Score! I think it helps that Campbell is the only girl and the baby-clothes for girls are infinitely cuter than the boy ones.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bliggity-blogging and Facey-spacing.

Campbell was helping me update the blog this morning and got bored. So--we tried the newest in child entertainment at the Young Baumbauer house---a toy. That's right, Campbell has discovered toys and likes to play with them. Mostly she just stares, but today we did some "discovery" playing where I took her hand and wrapped it around the crinkly sounding wings on her toy. It crinkled, she laughed. It was a big morning for everyone. I managed to get a couple of pictures with one hand while she played with the toy in my other hand.

Going away party

We had a little going away party for a couple of friends that are leaving A&M. We had a bunch of grad students over as well as the two research techs that are leaving. It was a great day, but having a baby at a Barbecue when it is 10,000 degrees outside takes some planning. Luckily, everyone wanted to hold Campbell and she managed to stay in the A/C all afternoon. She did not want to go down for a nap, but she only had a minor case of the cranky-pants. It was actually a good experience for our friends...most of them didn't believe that she ever cried at all. Now they know that Miss CamySue can let her desires be known....and heaven help the people that disrupt her schedule.

Fingers crossed! We are on night 5 of the "sleeping through the night" stage and I am hoping that it keeps up. We are totally different people when we get enough sleep. Here are some pics from the get-together.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A good night's sleep

Campbell slept from 9:15pm until 6:30am and woke up the MOST ADORABLE BABY EVER.
We have had a series of very rough nights, so I was not sure we would ever get a good night's sleep again. On Tuesday morning, Campbell rolled herself from her stomach to her back all by herself, so we thought we would try putting her on her tummy to sleep. That did the trick and she slept like a log.

We probably could have put her on her tummy earlier, since she could hold her head up. Unfortunately, the "back to sleep" campaign made us paranoid so we tried not to do it. Now that she can hold her head up and roll over, we are so happy!

Funny thing is that even though she slept the whole night, we woke up several times to check on her. But---even with the waking up on our part, we still got the best night's sleep that we have had in months. Today is an excellent day.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Random Bathtime pictures.

We got a new digital camera that takes AMAZING pictures. So, of course, we have been taking pictures of everything...all day justify the expense. So far, I am liking the new camera.

Here are some random pictures of bathtime. We do a bath right around 8 o'clock every night and then get the baby ready for bed. She has been doing better with her evening routine and I am hoping that she will be sleeping more than 5 hours straight in the very near future. Tonight she went to sleep at 9pm...and she should be out until 1:30 or so. Then she will be up to eat and back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. If we could stretch that out a little further, I feel like we might almost get caught up on some missed sleep. :-)


My BFF Amber came to visit this past weekend. We shopped, we ate way too much, I had two margarita shakers at was a very full 2 days. :-).

This is a Poison onesie. It says "Talk Baby to Me"...must get a better picture of that awesomeness. God, I love the hairbands.

We spent a lot of time in the car since Amber flew into Austin (the closest airport, FYI). Lots of time to chat and look at the mesquite trees rolling by. Everything is so far away in TX that we have gotten used to driving an hour and half to get anywhere. It is relaxing....thank goodness Campbell likes her car seat.
On the way home from the airport, we had to pull over for a diaper change and a snack (for us and the baby). Here is a supercute picture that Kyle took while we were addressing CamySue's cranky-ness.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Giggly Baby

We have had a couple of rough nights this week; wish us luck. Here is a video of Camy Sue laughing.....totally ignore my singing in the background! She finds my musical talents to be quite amusing. She also finds just about anything Kyle does to be hysterical. She doesn't laugh out loud too much, but we get lots of big smiles and silent shaking...maybe she won't develop my big donkey laugh?