Sunday, April 10, 2011


Until 2 months ago, Campbell would not under any circumstances wear something on her head. We started working on barettes (BOWS, as she calls them) and she will let me put "tails" in her hair for school. This is Campbell wearing her new headband with sparkly crowns on it. She loves this thing. She has now worn it to school, to Walmart, and around the house....I think she even wore it to the park. This is her modeling her new headgear in just her diaper.

Reading with friends

Campbell loves to read....every single day. If there is nothing else going on, we are reading. Even at school they have commented on how much she likes to read and how big her vocabulary is.

Pizza Time

Campbell likes just about anything that she tries to eat, but she is not big on eating in general. There are some days when I am concerned about it.....but I know that she will eventually eat when she gets really hungry. The other night, Kyle and I had frozen pizza and Campbell walked up to my plate, grabbed a slice and starting chowing down. I offered to cut it up (that was completely out of the question, so we carried on). She ate the entire piece!

Another Petting Zoo

Campbell loves animals, loves making their sounds, pointing at them, and talks about animals ALL THE, anytime there is a petting zoo (and there always seems to be one going on somewhere) we try to go. She loves it. I will be seriously surprised if we don't get a request for a cow or horse for a birthday in the next couple of years. She was really tired for this, but she perked up with the animals. I didn't get a picture of it, but she was crazy for the giant white turkey. She jumped up and down and was so excited to pet that turkey. The turkey seemed relatively unimpressed.

Driving around

Campbell was going crazy inside, so we ventured out into the parking lot to let her ride her car around. It was freezing....she was a trooper, but we only stayed outside about 30 minutes before her nose was running, her hands were purple and she seemed to have had enough. She loved the car so much that she cried when we took her out even though she kept asking to go inside. :-)
Christmas Day! Kyle and I spent our first Christmas Eve of putting things together......and it was awesome. We watched Die Hard, a truly inspirational Christmas flick while drinking boozey egg nog and using tools. Being an adult rules!

Campbell came downstairs and was like a wild woman. She ran to her slide, jumped in her pink push car and twirled on the sit and spin....then she spied the Weeble Treehouse and that took all her attention for the next few minutes. After about 15 minutes, she was overwhelmed and we made breakfast and just lounged. She spent the rest of the day visiting all her new toys one at a time. A great day all around. Here a couple of the (mostly fuzzy and terrible pictures I took).

Christmas Time.

Sorry for the long long long pause between posts. We have been terrible about the blog, but that is only because we have had so much going on. :-). We have new jobs starting June 1st in Pittsburgh, so we have been finishing up here, preparing for the move, getting prepped for our new jobs AND trying to keep up with all the things that go along with having a toddler. Clearly, the blog has suffered. I am going to try to get all caught up prior to moving to Pittsburgh so we can start afresh with all the things we will be doing in the house and in our new town. Oh yeah, we are trying to buy a house too! What an experience that has been.

Alright, stay tuned for ALOT of updates in the next few days.