A very good friend of mine got me this super-sweet baby development calendar that has all kinds of cute factoids about your pregnancy. Each week ends with a comparison of your baby's size to a common object (usually food....3 weeks ago, Devo was the size of a taco shell!). Most of the daily comments are written from the point of view of the fetus. For example, "It was nice having help, but since my liver and spleen now produce blood cells, I no longer need the yolk sac". Anyway, today I am 16 weeks and 2 days pregnant and the information for today is as follows:
"Believe it or not, I can see in here! If you shine a bright light on your belly, I'll gradually move my hands to cover my eyes".
There is a person in my abdomen and they have eyes! Good lord! Now all I can think about is the 20 week ultrasound and whether or not the doctor will let us bring one of those big flashlights to shine on my belly....I want to see little Devo's hands cover up his/her eyes.
Belly pictures and more Devo news to come soon.