Monday, November 24, 2008

belly pics from early on

I am finally getting around to posting the pregnant belly pictures from the first trimester. I will post a picture from this week (19 weeks and 1 day) tomorrow. There wasn't a whole lot of change in the first trimester, but now I am over the hump and I seem to be developing a significant poof in the mid-section. We have our big 20 week ultrasound next, we are not planning to look at the naughty-bits!

Here you go.
9 weeks.......

13 weeks.....
A little poofiness.....but wait until you see what has happened in the last few weeks!

OH---apparently pregnancy is catching. There are two pregnant faculty members in the department (one is due 3 days after us!). I have a friend from Junior League that is pregnant and due in March. AND I must have run into a dozen people at the conference we just attended who either just had babies or were pregnant. I guess it is going around. :-)

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