Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tough noggin, I hope

For the last couple of weeks, CamySue has been getting more and more wiggly.  She scoots around on her belly and then turns in a circle to see what she wants.  I have been telling myself to prepare for the day when I can no longer lay her on my office arm chair to sleep (for anyone that has seen it, it is that lime green chair from our house in OH).  Well, today was the day that all my fears came true.  

Campbell was great all day.  I put her on her tummy to take her nap (she was already asleep and dreaming) and then I covered her with a little blanket.  I went about doing some statistics that I have been avoiding.  About 20 minutes later I hear a fabric-on-fabric noise (swish!) and a thunk.  I look around and the chair is empty.  Campbell is lying on her back on my office floor looking really confused and dazed.  Apparently, the renovations to the building included making the floors out of some ridiculously hard substance.  Anyway, she looked at me like "Why mommy?  why did you let me fall?" and then commenced to wailing.  I felt so bad I thought I would burst into tears.  She cried for a few minutes...and then fell asleep.  

It is now an hour later and I am worried that she has brain damage or a concussion or shaken baby syndrome or rickets or some other horrible injury because I tried to squeeze one more day out of the comfy office sleeping spot.  Ugh.  I hope her head is hard enough to take my mothering.  :-)

We are spending the weekend in New Orleans to attend a funeral with Kyle's family.  This is Camy Sue's first trip to the Big Easy, the first time she will meet most of Kyle's family and our first real road trip with the baby.  Wish us luck.  We'll post pictures next week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The unofficial weigh-in

So--we have Campbell's 4 month well-baby check scheduled for September 1st, but we were very curious as to how much she weighs at this point. So--Kyle got on a scale at work and weighed her. She is just over 15lbs! I can't believe that she has grown that much. It is amazing.

Other things of interest at the moment:
1. Camy Sue has found her voice. She squeals and laughs and grunts and does a Xena warrior princess-like yell when she is trying really hard at something.
2. She can grab things and kick at objects of interest.
3. She tasted her first a restaurant I let her lick my lemon wedge. She made the best face ever and seemed very interested in having some more lemon.
4. She can turn in a circle on the floor and she can flip over from back to front.
5. She drools. like. crazy.

Stay-cation 2009

Catching up on some pictures and posts.
We took a day trip to the Natural Bridge Caverns near San Antonio. As you can see from the pictures.....Camy Sue was shocked and amazed. :-)
Here's one of me trying to fit Campbell into this Dinosaur Egg.
Here is Kyle standing in front of an amazingly fake dinosaur.
This is the entrance to the cave system. Notice Kyle has the baby in the front carrier (we have found that chicks dig this.....women smile and flirt with Kyle non-stop when he has this thing on).
Here is one of Campbell. I think she got bored by the tour guides along the way....she totally snoozed for over half the cave tour.

BTW--while Kyle usually gets smiles and tons of attention while he is wearing this carrier, we had one bad encounter a couple of weeks ago. Two women (one in her 30 and the other looked like her daughter maybe in her late teens) walked by and made some not-nice comments about Kyle and the baby. They laughed and were not very kind. Kyle took it in stride, but I was totally pissed. What the heck is wrong with people? Why would it be bad for a father to participate in the rearing (and carrying) of a child. For pete's sake people! I managed to keep it together long enough to make some quiet comments about the fact that they were hideous excuses for human beings....but at least I kept it quiet. :-)