Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blueberries and Smurf-babies.

On Wednesday of last week, we tried yogurt with Campbell. She loved it but was super cranky all day. I think we will try again in a couple of weeks.....this is the only dairy she can have until she is at least a it will be a bummer if she can't have it. Plus, my mom broke the seal on the peanut butter for Campbell while we were in Chicago. No ill effects, and she LOVED it. No surprise there since I can't live without my PB. FYI-for the next few months, we are going to be making our own baby cereals in addition to the fruits and veggies. Can't wait!

Today, we tried blueberries. This was a natural progression....and we had a ton of them in the freezer. I cooked the blueberries and threw them in the grinder (BTW--Campbell is totally conditioned to the sound of the grinder. She stops what she is doing and stares into the kitchen when it is being used. Smart kid) with some oatmeal and milk. It made waaaayyyy more than I thought it would. Luckily, I made what I did. She ate everything....and then wore the last 2 tablespoons. Here is the progression of lunch. We ended up having to hose down her bumbo and scrape blueberries off of her legs, face, and even her ears! Oh, and blueberries stain skin in case you didn't know. We now have a blue-faced baby asleep in her room. I am hoping the stain comes out before she has to go out in public again.

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