Friday, May 7, 2010

Turn, Turn, Turn

To every season, right?
Well, Spring has sprung and Campbell has just started doing something new. For at least 5-6 weeks she has been sitting on her bottom and spinning in a circle...she moves one leg and then moves the other to meet it and works her way around in the circle. This is big fun, especially when Daddy does it with her. Well, yesterday she started turning in a circle while standing! This is big because it means that her balance and coordination are improving everyday. She is such a big lady.

Yesterday we got back from going swimming and she would look at me and then turn in a circle and wait for me to clap. If I clapped, she would smile and do it again....if I didn't clap, she would make a squeaking noise, point to my hands and then turn around again with the expectation that I was going to clap. Either way, she performed and I clapped. That's how this is going to go for awhile, I think. :-)

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