Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

We had an adventure this year in finding a Christmas tree. We really like to try to support local businesses if we can, so we went out to the BOONDOCKS to go to a small Christmas Tree farm. It was so far out that we thought we heard banjo music....and the trees were, eh-hem, in less that awesome shape. So, we went back into town to the other local vendor we always go to and got a great tree. They have a giant circus tent set up and every kind of tree imaginable under there. Campbell took a catnap in the car and was on fire with giggles at the second stop. Also--for all you frugalistas out there, we asked for some trimmings from the trees (you know, that stuff they cut off at the bottom so your tree will go in the stand) and they gave it to us for free. So now our house is superbly trimmed for the holidays and all we had to do was pay for a tree. SCORE!

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