Monday, July 6, 2009

Random Bathtime pictures.

We got a new digital camera that takes AMAZING pictures. So, of course, we have been taking pictures of everything...all day justify the expense. So far, I am liking the new camera.

Here are some random pictures of bathtime. We do a bath right around 8 o'clock every night and then get the baby ready for bed. She has been doing better with her evening routine and I am hoping that she will be sleeping more than 5 hours straight in the very near future. Tonight she went to sleep at 9pm...and she should be out until 1:30 or so. Then she will be up to eat and back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. If we could stretch that out a little further, I feel like we might almost get caught up on some missed sleep. :-)

1 comment:

Eve said...

Great pictures! What kind of camera did you get?

I think that Camy Sue and Alice are on the same sleeping schedule now. Alice is waking up again :(