Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A good night's sleep

Campbell slept from 9:15pm until 6:30am and woke up the MOST ADORABLE BABY EVER.
We have had a series of very rough nights, so I was not sure we would ever get a good night's sleep again. On Tuesday morning, Campbell rolled herself from her stomach to her back all by herself, so we thought we would try putting her on her tummy to sleep. That did the trick and she slept like a log.

We probably could have put her on her tummy earlier, since she could hold her head up. Unfortunately, the "back to sleep" campaign made us paranoid so we tried not to do it. Now that she can hold her head up and roll over, we are so happy!

Funny thing is that even though she slept the whole night, we woke up several times to check on her. But---even with the waking up on our part, we still got the best night's sleep that we have had in months. Today is an excellent day.

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