Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The unofficial weigh-in

So--we have Campbell's 4 month well-baby check scheduled for September 1st, but we were very curious as to how much she weighs at this point. So--Kyle got on a scale at work and weighed her. She is just over 15lbs! I can't believe that she has grown that much. It is amazing.

Other things of interest at the moment:
1. Camy Sue has found her voice. She squeals and laughs and grunts and does a Xena warrior princess-like yell when she is trying really hard at something.
2. She can grab things and kick at objects of interest.
3. She tasted her first a restaurant I let her lick my lemon wedge. She made the best face ever and seemed very interested in having some more lemon.
4. She can turn in a circle on the floor and she can flip over from back to front.
5. She drools. like. crazy.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Yay Camy! What a big girl!