Saturday, September 5, 2009


We went to a funeral in Louisiana. Not exactly NOLA, but in that area. Anyway, it was one of the least depressing funerals I have ever been to and Kyle and I got to meet a bunch of his cousins. These are folks with that wonderful NOLA accent...and a love for food that can't be beat. I think we have some new family to visit when we are in the area and Campbell definitely has some cousins to meet in the future. :-)

Here are a couple of pictures of us on our trip:

We ate lunch at another of the Top 50 burger joints in TX....this one is in Houston (#38 on the list). Other than Campbell totally blowing out her diaper as we paid the check, the experience was great.

Hanging with Grandma at lunch....for the 5 minutes that cousin Donna wasn't holding her. :-)

Campbell DID NOT enjoy being in her carseat for so long, but she did her best to tolerate it. I am hoping this is not a sign of fights to come when she doesn't want to go back in her seat.

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