Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sometimes when you least expect it.....

We were NOT planning to find out the sex of our baby......we were actually quite adamant about it. This was much to the irritation and frustration of friends and family. :-). So, of course, when we went for our 20 week ultrasound we made this clear. Kyle was struggling before we even got into the sonographer's office, but he decided that he could stick to the plan. Once the sonogram started, it was amazing...see the pictures below. Baby Devo was all squished into one half of the available space with feet up by the head. As they go through the diagnostic part of looking at the brain, lungs, kidneys, bladder, stomach, was the coolest thing I have every seen. You could see the baby drinking the amniotic fluid and we saw the half full bladder and the filling stomach. FYI---it is freaking me out a little that this tiny being is peeing into my uterus at the moment....

As the sonographer made her way from top to bottom and then bottom to top, it became pretty clear that our child was not we didn't need any help figuring out that it was a girl. Our little one isn't exactly "ladylike" or modest, so we got a full-frontal view of the naughty bits. Kyle was actually the one that called it....silly me, I was concerned about the internal organs! So--we are pretty confident that we are having a girl, a little Wesleyanne addition to the family. Kyle is beside excited that he will have a daddy's girl to hug and kiss on forever. I am excited, but I really couldn't have cared less if it was a boy or a girl. Best news is that she appears to be a deep sleeper because she barely wanted to shift around to give the sonographer a good view of her cerebellum. At the last ultrasound, she wasn't real excited to wake up long enough to flip positions either. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a good sleeper! Apparently Kyle and I both slept through the night pretty early, so we are hopeful. Here are the ultrasound pictures from the 20 week....I can't believe this is the last view we will
get of the baby before she is born. Check out the giant Buddha belly! On the second picture, there is a phrase "Gig 'Em" written by the sonographer. At A&M, the students hold up a thumb and say Gig 'Em as one of the traditions....when baby put up her thumb, the tech (an A&M grad) couldn't help herself. :-)

1 comment:

Eve said...

Congrats again on the girl. I guess we can commiserate when adolescence hits.

I was wondering what gig em was. I thought it was some body part that I wasn't aware of...