Thursday, May 14, 2009

Back to Sleep

I just read a friend's blog (Hi EVE!) and had to comment on the "sleeping on the back issue". We have been blessed with a baby that sleeps, BUT she would sleep for 6 hours straight if we let her sleep on her stomach instead of the 3 hours we get on her back. I wish that I could do it but I am still a new mother and super paranoid about stuff. She sleeps on her stomach during the day when I am up and around...and she sleeps on her back at night. Once she can roll over and hold up her head for longer periods of time, I am going to put her on her stomach to sleep and cross my fingers for a long long rest.

Speaking of holding her head is a story that I think gives some insight into how much I love this little lady. We were laying on the couch, Camy Sue on my stomach staring up at my face, and I moved her so she couldn't see my face anymore. She immediately throws her head back and turns to face me again. I immediately BURST INTO TEARS. Not even small tears, gigantic crocodile tears. It was amazing.....and she got copious praise for being such a big girl. :-). Kyle looked a little worried that I was losing it. He agreed that it was amazing and she is awesome but completely sans waterworks. Ahhh---the joys of high oxytocin levels.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Wait a few more weeks for the sleep deprivation to really hit...then it'll be back to sleep ;)

I still have anxiety about Lucius dying from SIDS and he's 3! Crazy, but that fear never goes away.