Friday, June 12, 2009

Dude....where did the last month go?

I have pictures to catch up on...but here is a little bit of catching up first.
At the end of May, Proud Auntie Jan and Uncle John came to visit on their way from St. Louis to NOLA. This was an excellent trip! Camy Sue got some quality time with more family and Proud Auntie Jan got some hands-on birth control. :-). The aunt and uncle managed to get in and out of town without getting "pooped" which is more than I can say for either grandma. Campbell takes after her mom....and has no trouble getting "business" done regardless of the situation. ahhh---what a little lady.

Campbell is holding up her head, grunting with the effort of holding up that giant baby-melon, and is starting to grab things with some force. She is also really excited about jumping and pushing up with her legs. She is not rolling over, but that should come in the next few weeks. She is eating like a starving goat and getting fat rolls on her fat rolls. She even has a roll forming on her wrist! I take personal satisfaction in her new pudginess.

I will post some more recent pictures this weekend, but for now, here are the stats from Campbell's 2-month check-up.
Height: 23 inches
Weight: 11 lbs, 13 oz
Head circumference: 38 cm
She is in the 90th percentile for height (sweet!) and the 80th percentile for weight and....drumroll......the 95 percentile for head size! Once she gets her hands and arms under control, she will be unstoppable.

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