Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog? What blog?

Ok. So, I have been a bit behind on the updates. But I am going to blog like a fiend for the next few days. Tons to catch up on.

Campbell's first week of daycare as well as one could expect from a child that we were told was a "stay at home kid". It was a little weird to think of her that way, but she actually was at home all the time even if Charlotte came to stay for the majority of the week. So--she didn't eat, wouldn't nap, and pretty much remained fragile all week. The second week she was home with an adenoid/sinus infection (lasted a week). Then she was on two courses of antibiotics to get rid of it.....which wiped out her intestinal flora and led into a bout of viral diarrhea that last for 12 days....12 long days. 12 very long days. All seems to be well for now.

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