Friday, October 29, 2010

Words words words

Campbell is talking alot more since she started daycare. She is the youngest one in the class (class is only 6 kids!) and her language has really taken off. Here's her current vocabulary.....which we get a big kick out of:
Dada (Daddy)
Dah (Dog)
Gurt (Yogurt)
Nana (Banana)
Jay-wo (Jello)
Fish (fish)
Nemo (actual Nemo from the movie or any fish, depends on her mood)
Shoes (Shoes!)
Outside (usually said in a yell while pointing or tapping on the door)
Dora (and Boots, her sidekick)
Key (which means Key or blanket)
Nee (means bunny)
Choo Choo
Toots (this one came about after the stomach bug...since she had them so much)....if you ask where her toots come from, she points to her hind-end
Parts of her face (eyes, mouth, nose, hair...and she can point to a lot more if you name them)
Blue/Green/Red (they did a unit on those colors at school)
Truck (obvious)
That's it! (when she is done with something....but it sounds like T-I-T-S....ugh)
All done
Down (to get down)
Seat (for any chair or sitting instrument)

She also signs....which she has been doing for awhile.
She says "More" , please (when prompted), and thank you (when you insist), and all done (when she is all done with anything).

She is also starting to pick out DVDs to watch and put them back when she is done....she can work both our DVD player AND our iPhones. It is amazing.

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