Thursday, April 30, 2009

Camy Sue--the first two weeks

My mom left on Saturday morning (the 25th) and we have been on our own ever since. Things are going well, but I am so grateful for the support of our friends while we are between family visits. Every night since we had Camy Sue, someone has come over with dinner and has visited with us, held the baby, and just made us feel like we aren't losing touch. I am pretty sure the food is a bribe to keep us busy while everyone gets individual time with the baby....even folks that are not in love with every baby they see seem to be mesmerized by our little one. I do have to say that she is freaking adorable...and I am one of those people that doesn't love babies just for the sake of loving babies. Camy Sue is already showing signs of looking like our family members. She has some major Zahn influence (Kyle's mom's side of the family) and often looks just like her Auntie Jan. She seems to have my nose, although who can tell at this stage. Her mouth looks so much like my sister that it makes me laugh sometimes....this is also the mouth from my paternal grandfather. We can't tell what color her eyes will be, but Kyle and I could be carrying around some recessive genes for light eyes so it is anyone's guess what the final color will be.

Here are some pictures we took around the house. The flower pictures were taken by me...but the flowers are from the beautiful bouquet that my college friends sent. Thanks Kelly, Amber, Jess, and Lindsay! The flowers brightened up my day when I felt totally out of it.
Enjoy...we certainly are!

"Dad, stop it! I am sleeping!"

"What part of sleeping don't you understand?"

Tender baby pictures taken by mom. I have no photographic talent...she is just this freaking cute. :-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back in the Saddle.

To everyone that keeps up with us through this blog....I am so sorry that I haven't updated properly. It turns out that having a baby and being a new parent is seriously time consuming and I am only just now starting to rejoin society. Oh yeah...we had a baby! :-). Below is the story of the birth of Campbell Susan Baumbauer, born April 19, 2009 at 5:02am. I will post the birth story and then post some pictures of the baby. She is so much more beautiful than we could have hoped for and she is a great baby. So, here goes:

On April 17th at 8pm, my mom arrived in town to surprise us. It was unexpected and it was a total surprise (which doesn't always bring out the best in me) but as you will see this was a blessing that we couldn't have planned better ourselves. We went to bed that night and I woke up around 3 am feeling "fidgety". I had all this nervous energy, which I attributed to being 9 months pregnant and having been surprised by my mom. Around 5:30am I finally got out of bed and went to get some coffee and chat with my mom....she's an early bird, so this worked out. The next morning, we got together with my sister and went for pedicures while Kyle joined some of the grad students from his lab for a couple of birthday beers (April 18th was Kyle's 32nd birthday). We went for lunch after our pedicures and went home to take a nap before heading out to meet Kyle for crawfish around 2pm. I curled up in the bed and the dog jumped right up next to me. This is only odd if you know our dog....he usually has to be coaxed up into the bed and will only stay for a few minutes. On this day, he laid right next to me and didn't move for the next hour.

I woke up from my nap at 2 and went to the bathroom....where my water immediately broke and I thought "Oh *$%^@, my water just broke.". I got it together and went into the living room to tell my mom (asleep on the couch at this point) that it was "go time". She stared at me like I was insane and then jumped off the couch and headed to change out of her pajamas.....then she wandered around slightly panicked while I called Kyle. Kyle was out having drinks with friends. I called, told him that my water had broken and we needed to go to the hospital. The look on his face must have tipped off the entire table because it sounded like everyone started talking at once and Kyle said he would be home in 5 minutes (let's just say he sounded a bit excited). At this point, Kyle told the entire table that we were having a baby, then headed inside to pay his tab. He tried to hurry the bartender with our good news....and the bartender paid his tab ( and free beer!). According to onlookers, Kyle left a 23 oz beer on the table and ran to the car to the sound of applause and cheers from the entire back porch of Mad Hatters (excellent 80s bar). At this point, I was standing in the middle of our kitchen with a pool of water forming at my feet....the entire scenario was like a movie. The sheer volume of fluid was astounding....and a bit nasty....and fascinating.

When Kyle got home, he kissed me and asked what to do next. Bag was packed, sister had agreed to watch the dog, so Kyle called Labor and Delivery to make sure that we should go ahead and come in. We were off! After a short stop at my sister's house, during which Kyle looked panicked while I dilly-dallied, we arrived at St. Joseph's around 3pm. Once we were admitted and taken up to L&D, we found out that not only was I not contracting (boo!) but I was not dilating either (double boo). Four attempts at an IV and some foul language on my part later, the Pitocin started flowing and we were in business. Note: Pitocin is a bitch.

I made it until 7:30 without an that time, my pitocin level was getting higher and the contractions were coming really strong and really close together but my cervix had not gotten the message to start dilating. So---I was in serious discomfort and I decided to get the epidural. Kyle watched the entire procedure and only got "wiggly" when they injected the saline to spread out the nerves. I don't think it was the injection of 50 cc of saline, but rather my loud gasp in response to said 50 cc of saline that put Kyle on the sofa with his feet up breathing deeply. :-). At some point, the anesthesiologist did something that did not feel very good, so I whispered "Piss on your mom!"...only the nurse heard me, but she had to put forth extra effort not to lose it (she was holding my torso still and laughing would not have been a good idea). Later that night, Kyle went to get me a drink and heard the nurses laughing hysterically about my comment....if only they could have heard what I was thinking when they were digging around for an IV!

Epidural was awesome and Kyle and I actually started to get excited about meeting our daughter. At around 2:30 am, I was still not dilating (only 4-5cm at this point) and I started to feel pain in my back and pelvis. Poor Kyle spent the next 1.5 hours trying to keep me from losing my mind with panic....not about the birth, but about going through the birth in pain. The Pitocin was making the contractions come really fast and strong, but the anesthesiologist was not coming back so fast. I dilated 4 cm in the next hour, sans epidural, and by the time the doctor got back to the room and gave me another dose in the eipdural it was time to push. I pushed for less than an hour and Campbell Susan Baumbauer was born. Kyle was such a trooper! He saw the birth and cut the umbilical cord. He even held her when she was covered in baby gunk. From where I was sitting, he looked immediately smitten. Campbell proceeded to scream for the next hour......and to totally enchant us while doing it.

The next few days are a blur of exhaustion, joy, feeling icky, feeling wonderful, and trying to decipher what this little being wanted from us. Here are some pictures of the baby from the first few days. I will post some additional pictures from her first week or two at home. I promise not to let this blog get too far behind again.....I just haven't been able to drag myself away from Little Camy Sue's face long enough to do anything other than shower. I have totally fallen in love with a short balding toothless woman! I never thought I would post a picture of my child before she was all spit-polished, but this was too hard to resist. Look at that old-man-face! This is the face that we see everytime she gets too cold. Just like Dad!

Here we are...looking like a HOT MESS after delivery. The stuff they put in baby's eyes mad her look greasy, but I promise she is cute. :-)

Dad and Camy Sue in the hospital bed....Kyle took the sofa/yoga mat both nights, so I finally gave him some time in the bed.
Camy Sue after she passed her hearing test....can't you tell how proud she is?

And---signing off with a little salute to the troops serving overseas. Camy is very patriotic already.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

39 weeks, 2 days

On Tuesday April 14, we had another prenatal visit.....the LAST ONE! We don't have to go back until (if/when) we show up for our induction at the hospital. I am not sure that we will make it another 8 days, but weirder things have happened. I feel like reaching our last scheduled prenatal visit should have included a prize or something....maybe a celebratory foot massage?

Baby is due to make her appearance on Monday, and I have been feeling sickly with a bad cold for the last day or two so I am home today. Kyle that I didn't have to go to work today so I should stay home. I think he is worried that working will hurry the labor onset and he still has an almost insurmountable mountain of work that he would like to get through before the baby comes. Poor guy....

Here are the stats as of Tuesday 39 weeks and 2 days:
Total weight gained: 24 lbs (again...ugh)
Progress towards labor: 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced
Babies likely to be born today: 0.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Craft project

At Christmas time, Kyle bought me the most original gift....a molding kit to make an impression of my belly. We finally broke out the kit and it was a little bit more difficult than we we couldn't get the thing to harden even after an hour of sitting with this cold wet glop on my belly.

Take 2--we went to Walmart and got plaster of paris and gauze. We cut the gauze into strips long enough to go halfway around my torso (the front half) and then dipped each one into the plaster of paris. Made a few layers on my chest and belly and it looks FABULOUS! I can't wait to decorate it and put it up in the baby's room. I will post a picture later, right now it looks like half of a woman's body is lying in our hallway bathtub, but it has to "cure" for 24 hours at least. I didn't take any pictures of the process because no one needs to see a 39 week pregnant lady in short shorts and an old bikini top standing in the kitchen covered in plaster of just isn't necessary. :-)

On a baby note, I had some really uncomfortable Braxton-Hicks contractions last night while we were doing this project. I know it seems obvious since I am almost 40 weeks pregnant, but all signs point to us having a baby sometime in the very near future! Exciting!

Friday, April 10, 2009

38 weeks and 5 days

Here are two pictures of my huge-ness.  :-).  

We are counting down the days now.  Could be anytime!  

OH--I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but we have had the best time watching people's weird reaction to my pregnant belly.  They stare and whisper and then smile really creepily.  The best is when they spontaneously blurt out that you are cute or ask if you are only carrying one baby.  I will not miss being oggled.  Although, last week I overheard the best comment ever.  I was standing on the curb outside our department and a girl and guy walked behind me...this is what I heard:
Girl:  So glad class is over.  That was boring.
Boy:  Yeah.  Whoa!  do you know what causes that (presumably directed at me since they were 6 inches behind me)?
Girl:  What?
Boy:  Sexual Intercourse.  
End Scene......and end the chances of that dude getting any action from the girl in question for awhile.  She seemed unamused.  I was tickled.  

OH--I started having some contractions yesterday...nothing too exciting, but I stayed home to rest.  Feeling much better today.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the full moon?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

38 weeks and 2 days...

We had a doctor's appointment today. Can I just add that the "internal exam" is the least delicate thing I can think of. Kyle joked that it was more like an oil check than a medical procedure....nice.

Stats as of today:
Weight gained: 24 lbs total (ugh...)
Baby size: normal (doctor's evaluation)
Progress toward delivery: dilated 1 cm and partially effaced
Babies likely to be born today: 0

The doctor set an induction date in the event that Baby Baumbauer is not real excited about being born. If I haven't gone into labor by the 23rd of April, then we will be checking into the hospital for induction. I'll stay overnight and then have the induction the next day (4/24). Given that I am pretty punctual (pause for laughter for anyone that knows me) I am fully confident that this baby will be here prior to that. :-). How's that for positive thinking?

Next appointment is on Tuesday the 14th.

The nursery!

Finally got some pictures taken of the nursery. The furniture is all new, but the picture over the crib is old (was up in Kyle's room when he came home from the hospital as a baby!) and the cradle is also the one that Kyle and his sister used when they came home. Here are the pictures....check out the adorable (did I say that enough?!) bedding that our friend Jess sent.

Here is the changing table...just scanning around the room to catch everything.

Here is the glider and ottoman that my mom gave us at Christmas. The purple blanket was a gift from one of the grad students in Kyle's lab and the other blanket is actually a gift from my aunt that she has had for over 20 years (like it was waiting for us!).
Here is the CUTEST baby swing ever. Kyle especially fell in love with this swing. Our advisors gave us this swing and both said that the swing was a huge lifesaver when they had their children. Kyle's advisor said that it was like a sleeping pill for babies. I approve.

Last, but not least, here is a picture of my belly (in pajamas) that I took in the nursery. I feel like my body is totally distorted at this point, but everything is going really well.
Lots more pictures to follow.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bad Mommy!

So---I suck.  We have been so busy lately that the blog has fallen by the wayside.  I promise to fix this in the next couple of days with lots of pictures and postings about our progress.  

For now, the countdown is at 38 weeks and counting.  I have an appointment on Tuesday and we should know if anything terribly exciting is going on in the ladyparts regions.  The second car seat base is installed and the first one has been inspected, so we are ready to bring home baby.  The nursery is looking good thanks to Kyle's hard work putting everything together (except the cradle which I did....thank you very much!) and one of my college BFFs Jess sending us the cutest baby bedding in history.  :-)  Pictures to follow, I swear this time.  

The packages for the baby have been rolling in and now we are just ready to hang out and wait for her arrival.  For anyone that has known me longer than 5 minutes, I am not exactly "laid back" so the last two weeks are full of plans for extra house prep (aka cleaning the bathroom intake vents and such) and twiddling my thumbs.  Luckily, my new obsession with the Twilight series...that's right, I said it, don't helping to fill the hours when I wear myself out.  Kyle is wonderful and being very tolerant of my OCD-ness.  

Yesterday, at Walmart, the cashier asked when I was due.  Then she made a comment about how big I was and that she didn't think I would make it 2 more weeks.  Seriously?  Is she working her way through medical school by working as a checkout girl at Walmart or something?  She was the 3rd person in the last week to ask either 1) is there just one baby in there? or 2) do you think you are going to make it to your due date?  Apparently, I am starting to scare people.  

Pictures coming up.....