Thursday, April 16, 2009

39 weeks, 2 days

On Tuesday April 14, we had another prenatal visit.....the LAST ONE! We don't have to go back until (if/when) we show up for our induction at the hospital. I am not sure that we will make it another 8 days, but weirder things have happened. I feel like reaching our last scheduled prenatal visit should have included a prize or something....maybe a celebratory foot massage?

Baby is due to make her appearance on Monday, and I have been feeling sickly with a bad cold for the last day or two so I am home today. Kyle that I didn't have to go to work today so I should stay home. I think he is worried that working will hurry the labor onset and he still has an almost insurmountable mountain of work that he would like to get through before the baby comes. Poor guy....

Here are the stats as of Tuesday 39 weeks and 2 days:
Total weight gained: 24 lbs (again...ugh)
Progress towards labor: 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced
Babies likely to be born today: 0.

1 comment:

STACY said...

Hello KyleandErin,
I work with your mother Ashley and she is a jewel so I said she is probably just as sweet as her mother so I wanted to give you my blessings. If you haven't delivered already I pray everything goes fast easy and smooth with a good epidural lol. I estimated the baby to be 9lbs 2 ounces lol good luck.