Monday, April 6, 2009

Bad Mommy!

So---I suck.  We have been so busy lately that the blog has fallen by the wayside.  I promise to fix this in the next couple of days with lots of pictures and postings about our progress.  

For now, the countdown is at 38 weeks and counting.  I have an appointment on Tuesday and we should know if anything terribly exciting is going on in the ladyparts regions.  The second car seat base is installed and the first one has been inspected, so we are ready to bring home baby.  The nursery is looking good thanks to Kyle's hard work putting everything together (except the cradle which I did....thank you very much!) and one of my college BFFs Jess sending us the cutest baby bedding in history.  :-)  Pictures to follow, I swear this time.  

The packages for the baby have been rolling in and now we are just ready to hang out and wait for her arrival.  For anyone that has known me longer than 5 minutes, I am not exactly "laid back" so the last two weeks are full of plans for extra house prep (aka cleaning the bathroom intake vents and such) and twiddling my thumbs.  Luckily, my new obsession with the Twilight series...that's right, I said it, don't helping to fill the hours when I wear myself out.  Kyle is wonderful and being very tolerant of my OCD-ness.  

Yesterday, at Walmart, the cashier asked when I was due.  Then she made a comment about how big I was and that she didn't think I would make it 2 more weeks.  Seriously?  Is she working her way through medical school by working as a checkout girl at Walmart or something?  She was the 3rd person in the last week to ask either 1) is there just one baby in there? or 2) do you think you are going to make it to your due date?  Apparently, I am starting to scare people.  

Pictures coming up.....

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