Friday, April 10, 2009

38 weeks and 5 days

Here are two pictures of my huge-ness.  :-).  

We are counting down the days now.  Could be anytime!  

OH--I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but we have had the best time watching people's weird reaction to my pregnant belly.  They stare and whisper and then smile really creepily.  The best is when they spontaneously blurt out that you are cute or ask if you are only carrying one baby.  I will not miss being oggled.  Although, last week I overheard the best comment ever.  I was standing on the curb outside our department and a girl and guy walked behind me...this is what I heard:
Girl:  So glad class is over.  That was boring.
Boy:  Yeah.  Whoa!  do you know what causes that (presumably directed at me since they were 6 inches behind me)?
Girl:  What?
Boy:  Sexual Intercourse.  
End Scene......and end the chances of that dude getting any action from the girl in question for awhile.  She seemed unamused.  I was tickled.  

OH--I started having some contractions yesterday...nothing too exciting, but I stayed home to rest.  Feeling much better today.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the full moon?

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